Will I ever be better?
How often do you feel the lack of hope of getting better? Keep reading to see my response to a client that had the same concern.
Will I ever be better?
I was asked this by a client with severe anxiety issues.
Here is my response to them:
I think you are asking the wrong question. For many people the cycle of anxiety is set off by fixed mindset comparative statements like, I should be, I could be, If only, etc. So the obsession with getting better is actually causing you to dig yourself into a deeper hole.
The point here isn’t to arrive at a certain destination but to rather learn to love the journey. First learn to live with your struggle, determine how it defines you and how you define it. Then give yourself permission to discover and fail at new interventions, new relationships and new conquest. It is only through that that you figure out who you ACTUALLY are, what you ACTUALLY need and how to get there.
This becomes the tool to overcome any and all of your challenges as you face them.